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Flat top bass - advice please?
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Author:  PaulB [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm going to build a 5 string flat top bass for my nephew.

Most of the high end acoustic basses on the market have EIR back & sides and a cedar top. Seems that this combo gives the best results.

Problem is; I'm allergic to western red cedar. So I'm thinking of using redwood instead. Anybody who built one see any problems with this?

Anything else you feel I should know before I start?



Author:  Rick Turner [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

You're allegic to WRC and not to redwood? Well, you will be soon enough...   Go with spruce.

Author:  Bruce Dickey [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Skip the fifth string.

Others who know more that I will likely chime in.

Acoustically it just won't be heard sonically.

If it's going to be electric, then well, whatcha waiting on?

I want to build a four string now. Folks coached me about this. I've had a five string acoustic in my shop and that was the owner's complaint too, couldn't hear the lowest heavy string.

That was compounded by the fact the piezo element wasn't long enough, so scoot it either way and you'd lose the high, the other way you'd lose the lowest in the pickup, we trashed the UST and put in some K and K's, sounds great now plugged in. Unplug it and well, she's mighty quiet on the low fifth string.....

Good luck, great project, someone will love your lowdown bass.....

Author:  PaulB [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Never used redwood before so I'm hoping I'll be ok with it if I use a mask and limit my exposure.

Author:  Rick Turner [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've known a couple of carpenters here in California who had to find other lines of work once their redwood allergies kicked in. It's got the same kind of oils that Western Red Cedar has...the ones that make the mature heartwood quite rot and insect resistant.   And lung resistant for humans... Also, the stuff just doesn't break down easily, either in the ground or in your body.

Author:  PaulB [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, alleric or not I'm building this bass with a cedar or redwood top unless someone tells me the redwood is unsuitable. I have three 3M belt mounted powered air purifying respirators in the lab at work, purchased by my predecessor and have never been used - no need for them with all the other systems in place. I can take one home and use that.

Bruce, I'd prefer to build a 4 string, but the kid wants a 5 string. I'm planning on putting in a piezo and an EQ for the reasons you mentioned. Breedlove are putting in piezo pickups in their 5 string basses, so there must be some out there that are long enough.

Author:  Bill Bergman [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

There is a special name for lung disease from inhaling redwood dust, just as there are for many other dusts, e.g., coal (Black Lung), silica (silicosis), etc. I am allergic to just about everything, and have asthma. I plan to start wearing a hood with supplied, filtered air and be careful not to track dust into the house. I have a shop annexed to the attached garage. For the shop, I have dedicated heat and airconditioning, rather than run ducts from the house. I think the personal air hood is the minimum you should have. Those little dust masks just don't do a good enough job for someone who is sensitive to the dust.

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